Category Archives: Uncategorized

creating an HTTP authenticated autologin for dotProject and Inventory

Some web applications have plug-ins that enable them to be authenticated through Apache or IIS HTTP Auth methods, allowing the user who already logged into a server imposed restricted area to seamlessly access WordPress or Squirrelmail without having to login. For other web applications, however, we have to get creative. Continue reading creating an HTTP authenticated autologin for dotProject and Inventory

Hello everyone…

I did a little sprucing up on the website:

  • Marble Panic has been added to the files section
  • I’ve added a facebook banner to my about page
  • I’ve added a nifty intro blurb for anonymous visitors to the website

I still haven’t finished “an important lesson” #2 yet, sorry to all who were waiting for it. But, along with that, I think I will start a post on the project section with a helpful web tip. Stay tuned…

New Website Stuff

Hey all, new website’s rolling along… A couple of errors exist (pardon the dust), but in the coming weeks the menuing system should work, as well as some other things I’m fixing. I’m also working on finishing a game module for Drupal based on the video module found on

Other than that, I’m back at college, and all is doing pretty well. I’m taking an independent study based on flash, so expect some movies to be posted to the media section by the end of December…

New website on the way…

I’ve been tempted to add a bunch more things to (if you checked the projects section). The problem is, it’s a pain in the neck to create a new php page and edit and code from scratch. And I’m getting a suggestion from someone to change the design of the site (which I agree with). So, without further ado, I am officially announcing a new site to be unveiled within the coming months. It’s going to be done using Drupal a free content management system coded in PHP. This system is going to be (hopefully) used in [working-title], and I’ve been using Drupal for awhile now, so it seems like a good fit.

In other news, my motherboard just died on me, so I’ll be using the laptop to do stuff for awhile… I hope it gets fixed soon…

School’s out for the summer….

I came home Saturday last week feeling a little dazed after hitting Starbucks with 3 of my friends. I miss Nyack. I miss the excitement, the friends, and the fun. I’m hoping somehow my life at home will be just as exciting, and somehow, I think it can. But it’s hard. I think part of the excitement comes in trying to be my own person, more independent, but at the same time I feel like I’m hurting people. Like I’m taking the wrong approach in becoming me. I’m hoping God will take care of it. Continue reading School’s out for the summer….